1. Have your operation assessed.
An assessment by a power management company is always the first step toward optimizing your motive power potential. A top-to-bottom assessment can uncover issues big and small that could be affecting your fleet. For example, during assessments we often find that many operations are running new batteries on old chargers, which obviously doesn't maximize performance. Mismatched equipment and old technology is just one potential issue; assessments can also shed light on poor water and equalization practices, too. Once problems are identified, many are easily addressed.
2. Buy power based on assessment findings.
If you've had an assessment, doesn't it make sense to purchase power based on your exact needs? Of course it does. But you'd be surprised by how many operations tie their battery and charger purchases into the truck purchase or lease contract. Separating "the power from the steel" enables an organization to make the right power decisions for their particular application and company need, which can drive costs down 30%, improving uptime and productivity. Ultimately, power needs to be viewed as a power system or solution, not as a commodity
3. Install a FIFO battery solution.
Many operations struggle with their battery rotation systems. However, a first-in/first out (FIFO) system can ensure that you're properly rotating your batteries. When it comes to battery rotation, consistency is king. While this helps you maintain uptime on a daily basis, a FIFO system also has a long-term benefit: it can extend the life of your batteries for a year or more.
4. Utilize a power management contract.
Scared of commitment? When it comes to motive power, often a fear of commitment can cost you significantly over the long haul. A power management contract like our GuaranteedPOWER® insures proper sizing, ideal charger technology, equipment tracking, utilization reports, battery health reports, and runtime guarantees for the length of a contract. A contract like this can protect you in other ways, too. For example, from 2009 to 2013 battery prices increased by 50%. But if you're under contract for a fixed price, these kinds of fluctuations don't impact you at all. Not only do you have GuaranteedPOWER® and uptime, you also have a controllable, fixed cost.
5. Planned Maintenance Contract
If you remain unconvinced of taking the risk out of your power solutions with a GuaranteedPOWER® approach, another option is a planned maintenance contract. These contracts provide a cursory level of service, but more importantly provide periodic diagnostic services to highlight any issues you have with your current power system and assets.
Find the Motive Power Plan that Works Best for You
Hopefully these tips will help you improve your industrial battery replacement cycle. For many operations managers, fixing problems with the cycle can seem overwhelming. Like we always say, it starts with an assessment from a trusted power management partner. You'll have options from there, from scheduling planned maintenance to going all-in with a power management contract. Ultimately, your goal is simple: find a motive power plan that fits your specific needs, and that maximizes the equipment that you're using on a daily basis.